Our overall concept

First things first, our Podcast is free to everyone.

Who we are…

We are Jo Schreiber from Germany and Phil Blumenthal from Switzerland, and we’re talking about the movies we grew up with and which have had a huge impact on both of us. All done in our very own relaxed mood.

We are not…

Neither Jo or Phil are professional journalists or film critics. We are just two old fashioned movie fans, revealing our fondest memories from the good old times, when going to the cinemas and watching a movie made by our favorite directors or featuring our favorite actors was still an event.

Audio clips

In our podcasts we revive some of our most magic movie moments, sometimes by using audio clips of scenes and memorable quotes from the movies being discussed, all this while also mentioning and going in-depth with the scene we refer to in the clips. Some of them may contain music and we are happy to include mention of the wonderful composers whenever and wherever possible. Once again, we never play audio clips without referring to the scenes we took them from.

Of course, we also put on record the names of the directors, producers, writers, actors and studios. Where appropriate, we even talk about the directors of photography and editors of the movies. Watch out for the chapter „Rechtehinweise“ (copyright) on the respective podcast episode page.

That’s it! Have fun.

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